December is for chestnuts roasting by an open fire. It’s for chocolate and marshmallows and Mariah Carey on full blast. It’s for making a list and checking it twice, for wrapping paper and crisp edges, for outward and public displays of eternal affection. It’s for red noses and freezing fingers and the thickest scarf you own. It’s for nights lit up by fairy lights, for carolers and themed music, for ostentatious joy. It’s for matching PJs and awkward holiday cards and outdoor markets that smell like cinnamon. It’s for gift giving and gift taking, for that special zing of joy that comes from knowing someone and being known. It’s for counting down the days before we restart the clock and do this all over again.
December is a snow angel, ice ice, baby it’s cold outside blue. And unfortunately, she really can’t stay.
Buy the perfect gifts for all my loved ones.
Not go overboard on all that buying because I still have very real debt that needs to be paid off :/
Rest. It’s okay. It’s the end. Just relax.
Christmas music
blanket scarves
sneaking into the movies
Christmas movies
gloves that don’t fit
being a Scrooge
A truncated moodboard this month because Thanksgiving got me feeling a little too relaxed.
Eat some chocolate for me tonight.
One of your best playlists to date actually
If Christmas movies are "out" then baby so am I! Loved ur description of December